Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hosting House Church

These days we are NEVER late for church.  Of course, there are those times that I barely get out of my pajamas before the doorbell rings and my church family enters into my home bringing with them various breakfast foods as we prepare to “break bread” together over the next hour before we move into worship and Bible study.  How different church is from what it was a few years ago.
Sunday mornings used to be stressful in our home as our family of six rushed around to eat breakfast, get dressed and out the door to be at church at the 10 am start time.  It was a very rare occasion when we were actually on time.  Worship always seemed a bit on the short side but that was simply because we had arrived at church 10 to 20 minutes late.  Next week, we would promise ourselves, we will be on time.  Rarely happened.
Our house church is not big by any stretch of the imagination, but we have something I find better than big numbers.  We are family.  I love that.  A lot.  Many times after breakfast, as worship is starting in the living room, I am still in the kitchen washing a few dishes and putting away some of the food that didn’t get eaten (usually not much of that with a houseful of hungry teenagers!), yet I still feel included in the worship.  So much like a typical weekend family night...kids are watching a movie and mom is still putting away a few dishes before joining them.
On a recent Sunday a few people were gathering in the living room to pray for a person, some of the kids and teens were in the backyard playing ping pong, and I was being prayed for (while washing more dishes...haha...see? it is JUST LIKE family) by a dear friend.
This past week I had the privilege of praying for and encouraging another homeschool mom.  She was struggling with some issues I had struggled with a few years ago.  What a joy to be able to share and encourage her.  Where did this “church” take place?  In a driveway of a mutual friend in Huntington Beach.  We prayed, cried, looked at scripture and shared life for 45 minutes.

Church is scheduled and loose at the same time.  Stuff happens in the backyard, living room, family room, and kitchen.  God, from the beginning, has never  confined himself to a building.  He walked with Adam in the garden.  He wants to walk and move today in everyday places.  We need to be open to that.  House church is the perfect vehicle.

See us at www.vineyardathome.com

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